Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)

Game World Merges

How do I find my character after a merge?

You will have no problem finding your character. Just use the character name and the world number from before the merge and our system will redirect you to the new world. This redirection will work for every client until you have changed your character’s name. Of course you can also login with your new name and the new world after the initial login.

The Android, iOS and Web clients version 2.29 or higher, will automatically change the login information to the new name and world once you log into your transferred character.

Please note that after applying a name change you will have to login with the new name and the new name. The systems redirection or login information adjustment will no longer work after a name change.

In case you should have problems with finding or accessing your character after the merge, please contact us at support@tibiame.com.