1Syawal40021.101 M
2Dandadan39520.020 M
3Agentnenen38317.681 M
4Olivia36815.194 M
5Bos36614.811 M
6Aveee36314.385 M
7Gracias35813.491 M
8Rajasultan35012.343 M
9Struick34812.102 M
10Ac34211.218 M
#NameQuota *
* Quota is updated every Sunday.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is TibiaME?
Is TibiaME free?
How to join TibiaME? (Classic client)
How to join TibiaME? (High-res client)
Is the game updated on a regular basis?
Is TibiaME available in my country?

Installation of TibiaME

Does TibiaME run on my mobile phone?
Where can I download the client?
Why is my phone model not listed?
Installation of a Symbian OS Series 60 v1/v2/v3/v5 client.
Installation for iPhone and iPod with iOS 3.0 or higher.
Installation of Android client
Installation of a Java client.
Can I play TibiaME on a PC?
Updating game data - What does it mean?

How to Play the Game

Screen Layout.
Controls and Hotkeys (key-based).
Controls and Menus (touch-based).
Backpack and armour.
Looking at objects.
What are attributes, how to get and how to distribute them?
What are skills, how to get and how to distribute them?
How to use skills?
What are rerolls?
Taking, using and dropping items (key-based).
Taking, using and dropping items (touch-based).
How to use spells and spellbooks.
How can I change my character's outfit?
Chatting and messaging with other players (key-based).
Chatting and messaging with other players (touch-based).
Talking to inhabitants, buying and selling items.
Safe Trade and Trade House
Sending and reading letters.
Storing items in the depot.
Travelling by ship.
What is stamina?
What are achievements?
Guilds in TibiaME
What happens when my character dies?
How to get more information about characters on my game world?
Saving and leaving the game.
How to use the ingame forum.
How can I upload images in the forum?

The PvP-System

PvP-island and fighting zones
What does quota mean?


What are pets?
How do I get a pet?
Can I own more than one pet?
How can I call my pet?
How do I send my pet away?
What are summon stones?
My summon stone broke? What do I do?
How does my pet gain levels?
Why should and how can I raise the satisfaction of my pet?
What is a satisfaction scroll and how does it work?
My pet's level is too low? Why?
How can I rename my pet?
How can I recover a pet I bought at the Marketplace?
How can I recover a lost summoning stone of a pet I purchased?

Lost Characters and their Recovery

What is a PIN?
What is a recovery contact?
How can I set a recovery contact?
How can I change the recovery contact?
How can I change the password?
How can I recover my password?
My character has been hacked. How can I get it back?
How can I unlock my PIN?
I forgot my PIN. How can I get a new one?
Security Notice

Billing Questions

What are Premium Characters?
What are VIP Characters?
What are Game Codes?
What is Platinum and how to use the Marketplace?
What happens when my premium runs out?
How can I order a premium character?
Where can I get a game code?
I rejected my premium. What do I have to do now?
Why did I not receive my purchased Platinum / premium? (Appstore / Android)
Which payment methods are available?
What are resellers?
I received a payment notice. Can I accept it?
I was banished for an invalid payment
How can I have the lock for game codes lifted?
How can I change my character's name?


What is Fyber?
What is the Offer Wall?
What are Rewarded Videos?
Why does my Platinum not arrive?

Technical Problems

TibiaME does not download automatically.
I cannot connect to the game server! Why?
Web client: "Loginserver not found"
"Connection failed."
"Please allow Network Communication."
"Game world not online. Try again later."
"Saving game world. Try again in 5 minutes."
"Too many players online. Try again later."
Web client: display error
"Outdated program version."
"Selected name is illegal." or "Selected name already in use."
"There is no character with this name."
"Incorrect password."
"Incorrect password entered too many times. Try again in 5 minutes."
I found a bug. Who should I report it to?

Ingame Behaviour

Another player keeps annyoing me. What can I do?
Somebody is disturbing my hunting. What can I do?
I was thieved. What can I do?
How can I report a character that violates the TibiaME Rules?
What can I do if a character keeps spamming or insulting me?
What is a gamemaster?
What are moderators?
My character is banished. What do I have to do so I can play again?

Other Questions

When do you open new game worlds?
How can I become a supported fansite?
I have cool ideas - Can I tell you?
How can I delete my personal information?


How to contact support?

TibiaME Rules

1. Charactername rules
2. Statements
3. Cheating
4. Login Information
5. Characters and virtual goods
6. Destructive behaviour

Game World Merges

Which game worlds have been merged?
How many worlds are there now?
Which game worlds will be merged?
How does a world merge work?
When will my world be merged?
How do I know my world was merged?
How do I find my character after a merge?
What do I have to before or after a merge?
What will happen to my character’s name?
What will happen to my guild?
What happens to my friend list?
What about my ignores?
What will happen to my items?
What will happen to a characters stats?
What will happen to my Marketplace products?

World Transfers

How can I transfer my character to another world?
When will my character be transferred?
Can I still play my character after I bought a world transfer?
What will be transferred with my character?
What are the requirements for a world transfer?
Why was my character not transferred to the other world?
My character was not transferred. What will happen now?
What will happen if there already is a character with the same name on the target world?
How do I find my transferred character on the new world?
Can I cancel my character world transfer?
Why can't I transfer to a newly opened world?
How often can I transfer my character?
Can I transfer back to a world I came from?
Do I have to go to a special location to be transferred?
To which location on the new world will my character be transferred?
What happens to my pvp ranking when my character is transferred?
Do I get back my pvp rank when my character transfers back to a world it came from?