1Syawal40021.152 M
2Dandadana39520.020 M
3Killmebroo38417.939 M
4Olivia36815.194 M
5Queza36815.110 M
6Aveee36314.385 M
7Gracias36113.984 M
8Rajasultan35412.977 M
9Struick34912.156 M
10Ac34211.218 M
#NameQuota *
* Quota is updated every Sunday.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Play the Game

Sending and reading letters.

Letters are a way of messaging players who are currently offline. However, of course it is also possible to send letters to players who are online. Every character can send and receive letters, but keep in mind that free and VIP players have only the capacity to store 10 letters. Premium players on the other hand can store 20 letters. All players can also purchase additional slots for up to 50 letters with Platinum at the Marketplace. Be aware that you will not be able to receive any more letters in case your inbox is full.

Sending letters:
In order to send a letter to another character, first enter the "Character Info" menu. Now select "Communication" from the menu, and then "Letters". In order to write a message select "Send Letter" and enter the name of the character you want to send the letter to. Press the "OK/execute"-key or click on "Send". In the next step enter the text. Once you are done, again press the "OK/execute"-key or click on "Send" to send the message. The character you wrote to will be notified.

Reading letters:
If you receive a letter, you will get a message either at your next login or right away if you are online while the letter is being sent. Further, a small letter symbol will remind you that you have got mail. Under the menu point "Letters" you will now find a new entry containing the name of the sender and the date when the letter was sent.

  • Key-based: If you have received a letter, you will also find the menu points "Read letter" to read messages you have received and "Delete letters" to remove a letter that you do not want to save any longer. Select "Read letter" and use the cursor to select the message you would like to read from the overview menu.
  • Touch-based: Touch the message you would like to read from the overview menu. Now you can choose between "Read letter" to read the message you have received and "Delete letters" to remove a letter that you do not want to save any longer.
Note that you may also receive letters from the Marketplace containing purchased items. The letters cannot be deleted manually. The item will be transferred to your backpack once you read the letter and have one backpack slot free. Afterwards the letter will be deleted automatically.