How to use the ingame forum.
TibiaME has an ingame forum which every player on your game world has access to. In order to read or post on the forum, open the "Info" menu. Select "Communication" and then "Forum" from the menu. You now see a list of the boards in the forum.
Once you have chosen a board, you will see all threads on that board. The newest threads are always on top. Scroll through the forum by pressing up or down. If you want to read a thread, click on it to open it. Please note that players below level 6 can only read the forum, but not post. Players with level 6 and above can both read and post on the forum. While you can open as many threads as you like with a premium character, you can only start one new thread per hour with a free character.
If you want to start your own thread, select "New Thread", enter a title for your thread and write the first post.
If you see posts that violate the TibiaME rules, please report them to, including the game world, board name, thread title, author and content of the post, so Customer Support can delete it.