Chatting and messaging with other players (touch-based).
To chat with other players that are close by, tap the toggle button until you are in the chat console. Alternatively, you can press this button until a little menu opens up. There click on the speech bubble which will also bring you to the chat console. The black square is your message screen which will fill up with text once other characters start talking or messaging you. Beside the message screen, you will find 3 small icons which represent the 3 chat options:
1. Globe: In this chat, you can speak to other characters around you. Also, everything other characters and NPCs say and which has not been said in a private conversation, will be displayed in this channel. To talk in this channel, touch the message screen. Your keypad will open up together with a messaging line where you can enter text. After typing your message, click on "Send". Now everybody around you can read your message. To leave this chat, simply click on "Send" while the messaging line is empty.
2. House: This is the chat for private conversations. Here you can message other characters directly as long as they are online. Thereby it does not matter if the character stands close to you or on another island. Touch the black square to open up your keypad. Now enter the name of the character you would like to talk to in the messaging line. Click on "Continue" and an extra line will open up saying "With 'character name'". This way you can always see which character you are talking with. Now you can enter a message in the messaging line. Touch upon the "Send" button, to send your message to the other character. If you tap the extra line with the character name, it will disappear and you can enter another character name.
To leave this chat, simply click on "Send" or "Continue" while the messaging line is empty.
3. Flag: In this chat you can talk with all members of your guild. Whichever message you enter in this channel, can be read by all characters that are also members of your guild and that are currently online. To talk in this channel, touch the message screen. Your keypad will open up together with a messaging line where you can enter text. After typing your message, click on "Send". Now all members of your guild can read your message. To leave this chat, simply click on "Send" while the messaging line is empty.